Grow Your Light

I have felt called to work with others one-on-one to help them become more conscious of themselves for many years but have been unable to embrace this calling due to wounds of unworthiness and limiting beliefs about myself and the world.

Grow Your Light
Scroll to Grow Your Light!

I have felt called to work with others one-on-one to help them become more conscious of themselves for many years but have been unable to embrace this calling due to wounds of unworthiness and limiting beliefs about myself and the world.

That is, until now.

I love helping people. I feel that my primary purpose in life is to live authentically, learn from my experiences, and then share those experiences with others in order to assist them on their own journeys back Home.

Not only do I feel called to do this kind of work, I've long felt that it is what I'm supposed to be spending the bulk of my time doing—meaning that I'm destined to support myself financially through doing this work as well.

But my destiny presented a few major problems for me:

1.) I felt unworthy of being compensated for my energy and perspectives
2.) I had a limiting belief that there's not enough people out there who value what I have to offer enough to pay for it
3.) the fact that I would genuinely do this work for free and have a hard time charging people money for something that is primarily motivated by love

Through grace, conscious healing, and the support and encouragement of many of you reading this, I've discovered that, not only am I worthy, not only is my energy, attention, and awareness valuable, not only do I provide perspectives that are life-changing, but also the type of work that I do is of the most valuable work there is for humanity.

You Can Lead A Horse To Water

I hate selling. It feels so inauthentic to me to try and manipulate someone into buying something that they otherwise would not be interested in.

And part of my mistake in the past was feeling that I needed to convince people who weren't interested in growth and healing that growth and healing are valuable.

But I've learned that you do not have to convince a thirsty person to drink.

Instead, you build a fountain and you allow those who are thirsty to come to you.

This newsletter has served as a sort of fountain where I have not had to try and convince people of my value—but people who are searching for what I have to offer have found my fountain and found value in what I have to share.

"Grow Your Light" is intended specifically for those who desire a bit more focused attention on whatever it is they are thirsty for and I'm honored to finally be able to make this offering with love, and the peace of knowing that what I have to offer is extremely valuable, and would be regardless of whether or not anyone else could acknowledge it.

The bulk of the details are on the offer page linked below but essentially, "Grow Your Light" is a 75 minute, one on one intensive call with me where we discuss whatever it is that has you feeling stuck, confused, or stagnated in your journey through life.

In this call I will share the unique perspective I've fostered over a decade through the conscious and intentional work I've done on myself and I'm very confident that you will leave the call with a perspective shift that is life-changing.

If you or anyone you know would be interested in this kind of opportunity, please click the button below to learn more and book.

And if not, trust that these free newsletters are going to keep coming and if they provide enough perspective for you, that's good enough for me too!

Not All Work Is Created Equal

A preview of the "Grow Your Light" Offer Page 👀🌞

There's a much different quality between the work you feel you have to do and the work that you feel called to do.

I just spent the past 3 days spending about 12 hours a day working on the "Grow Your Light" offer page and it was... so much fun!

It felt so good to have creative control again and be able to do the web design work I wanted to do and that felt aligned with me instead of being micromanaged to produce specific outcomes to enhance a soul-less companies' bottom line.

It seems that capitalism and its insatiable desire for productivity sucks the soul out of everything and it was so nice to have the love for something I'm genuinely interested in return. It further solidifies to me that I made the right choice in walking away from my job and committing to co-creating with the Universe on my livelihood going forward.

I am walking by faith alone, like many of us are these days, but I'm not afraid. I feel more aligned with the Universe and my purpose than I ever have before. I'm so proud of the work I did on the "Grow Your Light" offer page and of the work I've done to get to a place within myself to finally feel worthy of making this offer.

And I'm just so grateful for everything and everyone who has contributed to me reaching this point in my journey—including you.

Even if our energetic exchange never goes further than you investing your time in reading my words, that is enough, and I am honored to share this time in space with you.

We'll be back to our regular newsletters next week along with another way that you can support my work, if you're interested.

And I'll leave you with this—

if you feel called to do or offer something to the world, offer it! Regardless of whether or not you think others will find value in it, it's important that you honor yourself by following what's in your heart.

We can never know how we will be received until we make an offer. And even if that offer is rejected, we can go forward in our lives in peace knowing that we were brave and trusted our instincts instead of being led and limited by fear.

With love,

Micheal Sinclair 💜